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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cars & Storage

Today I happened by the storage unit today and parked next to a familiar car.  It happens to belong to one of the workers there.  I've seen him drive into work & drive home.  I haven't of course told him but these are the sort of things that you notice when you spend enough time somewhere.  I've noticed too the RV's, trailers and business trucks that come in and out of their storage area.  I wonder how many of those people have thought about spending the night in their vehicles.  I'm sure one or two have tried or have even done it.  This also makes me think back when I was helping my friend move out of his house a few weeks ago.  We moved or should I say towed one of his classic cars into storage.  The other one is come to mention it stored in his garage at his new spot.  It's funny how someone was smart enough to think of separate storage centers for vehicles.  But in an age where so many people are driving cars and parking is at a premium, vehicle storage is another way for storage centers to make money.  Plus we've always had a connection with our vehicle almost as much for people or animals.  If we can't keep our vehicles with us all the time, we want to make sure we keep them safely in our possession for as long as we can.  Until next time..

Storage Independence Day

Today has been another depressing day.  My girlfriend and I are still not talking.  I’m starting to hate that my storage unit has become an escape to think and process everything.  But in fact I have to admit that to myself.  I’m here working now but I have to go put my DVD burner back I was gonna sell to yet another “no show” buyer on Craig’s List.  But yesterday when I was there inspiration came to me on how to improve my blog.  I hope to express that inspiration more in the days to come.  Fourth of July is coming up.  What does that mean for me?  Well I suppose get together with family & friends.  Although I don’t really know for what yet.  But as far as storage, I miss going to the storage unit for a day or two.  I have the picture in my mind that sign outside the elevator to my unit.  For people like my dad, it means a day he will miss coming to the storage center to socialize with friends he’s made from the staff.  I myself have not been able to do that.  Even though the staff seems so eager to greet you by name.  I just haven’t been able to make that connection with the storage unit staff like dad has. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Storage Library

Here I am today after work at the library back thinking about my storage unit.  Of course my girlfriend about I are still fighting.  Still don't know why.  It's so frustrating not knowing the words to find out why.  Oh yeah I asked but right now I don't know how far to push things.  How far do I need to go again to bring a resolution to thing again.  I hate having to do this and search for what to say and not say.  But back to storage..  Sitting here in the library made me think about how many text books I have sitting in storage.  What was I thinking that I could keep all the books and keep them in my home study?  If I had a home study I wouldn't be sitting here writing a blog about wishing I had one.  But I did get an idea that I should start cataloging those books to sell.  Now here we go again: Craig's List!!  Yeah, I could sell them there.  But I have so much other crap there that's not selling. Well back to coding studying.  Until next time..

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Closing In On Storage Additions

Well it's another day. One step closer to adding stuff to the storage unit. The girlfriend and I are still fighting.  With this fight I still not sure what this is about.  It's like multiple wrongs have been done and I don't have any idea what they are.  So I ask my best friend and sister about what happen...  They both seem to connect me with my storage unit today.  My sister convincing me to give her something in my storage unit.  I just so happened to be going there anyway, excited about the chance of selling my old dvd burner in storage.  But alas it was just a false alarm.  I'm beginning to hate these false alarms of someone showing a passing interest in something I have just them say "No" at the last minute.  Now my best-friend he seems convinced I need to slowly begin moving stuff out of my girlfriend's and into my storage unit.  Call it a "slow moveout" he says.  I can bring myself to do something like that.  Leaving just the bare essencials & letting her figure it out.  I owe her & us more than that.  But now I know how so many other people see my storage unit as a lifeboat.  It is almost like they are relieved I have it.  I am too but now I do see my storage unit as some place to run to when life gets difficult.  I don't care.  I guess I'm truely getting my $160 worth out of it.  Until next time..

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Storage Flash Back

I am waking up to a new day.  But still thinking about dinner last night with dad & sis. The subject of storage came up again.  Specifically that old question came out of sis' mouth "You still have that storage unit?"  I felt like screaming yeah & I still have some of your stuff there.  Of course I brushed it off with just a yes. But it makes you think how we tend to forget about our stuff when it is safely packed away in storage.  For my sis I guess it's kinda a forgetful peace of mind.  Dinner was nice but we went to dad's comfort restaurant "Hometown Buffet".  I guess that is his place of peace of mind.  But it's funny my sis asked me if going to my storage unit was my get away place since I have been spending so much time there.  I never really thought of it that way but I have been trying to orgainze & get rid of stuff in storage alot lately.  I guess one could say that.  God I need a new life!  I'll take Donald Trump's please.  But for now I'll work on growing mine.  Until next time..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fighting Storage Blues

Well I wake up to a new day after paying storage fees.  Everyone keeps asking me why I have a storage unit and it was brought to the front this morning.  I now live with my girlfriend but we are starting to fight this morning.  I don't really know what happened but I don't know what's gonna happen.  When we fight there comes a point we make up.  But I always fear we will break up and I will need to move out.  My storage unit and all of my stuff become my resource to pack up and start a new life elsewhere.  I don't want to do that now but we'll see where this fight goes.  Until next time..

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Runnin From Storage Wars

I have this reoccuring nightmare about someone scouring thru my abandoned storage unit.  That show Storage Wars on A & E talks about professional buyers who go out looking for storage auctions to buy abandoned storage units.  I think about those poor people who had to abandon their storage unit at the last minute.  But what about the storage places who feel they have to sell those abandon units right away.  I guess business is business.  If someone can't pay then the storage place still has to make money off the storage unit.  Still, one has to wonder what the life behind the abandoned bedding, stereo equipment, etc.  That may be a fun question to put out into the blogsphere.  Curious what might come back.  Until next time.

Storage Photos

Sorry I missed yesturday entry.  I guess I will make that one up.  But I noticed on my desktop of my computer screen I had a file for storage photos.  The file I'm thinking I would fill with all of my stuff from the storage unit to sell.  It's turning out to not be as quick a process as I thought.  I've taken pictures of about half the stuff and sold even less than that.  E-bay and Craig's List are not as easy to unload stuff as I thought.  Of course that the not so glamorous side of selling.  I had these visions of opening up my storage unit and seeing just empty space where I could buy more stuff to sell.  But just visions for now.  Until next time..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Storage Monday Memories

Well I almost missed this post.  I still can't believe I'm actually writing a blog.  But it seems that's all that's been on my mind.  Other than how to make more money.  But isn't that everyone's desire?  In my case life would be so much less stressed.  Today I talked to my best friend who just moved into a house he's now renting.  He had to move out of his own home after it was foreclosed on. But I can't stop thinking how exhaused he was even now that it's been two weeks since we moved him.  He had thought of stuff he had in storage & stuff he may want to put back there.  Plus he has stuff he can't seem to unpack.  It's funny how when you really don't feel comfortable somewhere you just can't seem to take stuff totally out of boxes.  Your just so eager to move onto the next house.  That's where my friend is now.  I guess you can call it a "transitional storage situation".  That's all for now. Until next time, still can't stop thinking storage.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Storage Sunday

I'm thinking about my storage unit again & thinking how many other storage units I've visited.  There was of course my sister's that I help empty.  But then I remembered I helped move some of my sister's stuff into my dad's unit.  I can remember that was a crazy hard move because my dad & I had to move my sister's wash & dryer there.  Then I think there is another bed we forgot my sister had we moved in there.  Then there is some more of mom's furniture my sister couldn't part w/ but my dad was eager to put into his unit.  I've already said how a storage unit is an excuse for someone to hold onto stuff they should let go.  Well my sister has convinced other people to do the same. And I must admit too I have some of mom's stuff too. 
Now I'm thinking about the stuff in storage I've always thought about keeping as a collectible or thing to sell for profit.  I know I'm not alone in this pursue.  How many of you out there thought "I've got this thing that I got handed down from a relative & I'm gonna keep it & it will be worth some day".  Well I'll talk more about that next time. It's Father's Day & got to get ready to go celebrate. Until then Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Waking up storage

I know it sound stupid to wake up thinking about a storage unit.  But ever since I started this blog I can't stop thinking about how having a storage unit has been such a part of my life.  So from where I left off yesturday I was moved out of my apartment and into my now sister's house.  I settled into my now sister's house well enough.  But having a storage unit soon became to be an advantage.  I had a place I could put my stuff I wasn't quite sure if I was still gonna use.  Then when I decided to use that thing, I could go right to storage and get it.  Some of my clothes fell into this category. Particularly my Lakers jersey that sat in my closet in my apartment, went to storage & found a  now second life at my sister's place.  This of course was during the Lakers repeat championship run & anything Lakers was cool again.  It's funny that now that the Lakers are now not champs those same jerseys have made their way back into the closet.  But that is a story for another time.  
Another reason I found my storage unit to be useful is because I could throw away excess trash from the house in the trash bin at the storage place.  Don't tell me we all haven't done that? We fill our household trash can for the week and have no where to throw stuff away. Well my storage unit has a easy enough access to a trash bin.  Of course I learned the trick not to throw away too much to bring attention to myself.
So life living with my sis was great but then I started to realize that mom would have wanted me to move on with my life.  I couldn't put my dreams of having a place of my own, sharing my life with a special woman and having a successful working career on hold forever.  I soon began to see my storage unit and said to myself " I have to let go of some of these reminders of the past".  I have to begin to throw away the excess and the unusable memories of mom.  So there is where I will leave off for next time.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Holding On-Day One

Today I start my blog on keeping a storage unit.  One may ask "Why in the world does one care so much about a damn storage unit?"  Well I have to think habout why I got it in the first place.  I had an apartment, paid off car and full time job.  Life was great until the day mom died.  That day life as I knew it ended along with mom's death.  I give myself credit, I didn't fall to pieces.  I kept alot of my hurt and pain to and did what I had to do to support the family.  Mom's wishes were to leave her house to my sister. But I knew my sister couldn't handle such a burden right away.  So I gave up my apartment and moved in with my sister.  I even moved her out of her storage unit she had for her stuff.  That makes me think how funny how our houses can become virtual storage units of stuff.  My sister had all kinds of wanted and unwanted things from beds to cookware.  Now she had a whole house to find a place for that same stuff that was previously crammed into a 8 X 10 storage unit.  My life that was one in pretty nice size one bedroom apartment was now crammed into a larger garage size sto rage unit. Memories of my previous independent life became packed away in a  darkened storage unit.  I don't mean to make my moving into a storage unit sound so bad because I did what I had to do to help my sister.  For the time I lived with my sister I was able to help her alot and maintain my storage unit.  But that story is for another day.